Saturday, December 31, 2016
By Chad M Campbell
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2016 Where did the time go!

As I stroll through my timeline on Facebook it seems that 2016 got the best of everybody. However if you were able to post a status about it is not as bad as you think. Trust me we lost some great people this year, but every year has a number this year it just felt close to home.

i must say through it all the highs and the lows I wouldn't trade it for nothing. Chad Campbell Photography had a successful year and 2017 we going to strive for greater things. Thanks to everyone who supported me in 2016. 

Next year the blog will be updated more often,I promise, it seemed those who read really enjoyed  I didn't mind sharing. 

Happy New Year to Everyone! Enjoy and be safe!



Monday, May 23, 2016
By Chad M Campbell
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Thank God for another year! Just to think I started this photography biz a year ago at a wedding, working for my friend Chief. I celebrated my birthday doing something I love, with people I love, witnessing the biggest act of love. It was perfect even though I was way out my league it fine. 

It seems I was born with that luck. It seems like every year around the May 22 something great happens to me, rather it be a job change, graduation (I graduated high school on my bday), school getting out; something big all ways happens. 

This year being the exception, outside of the surprise birthday gathering my wife through, it was pretty calm, but it was great.

Why? Not because I got a great gift or anything of that nature, but I have life. A lot has change since last year a lot of people I knew around my age have gone home. I am just appreciative that I can spend it here another year. 

Its funny since I grew my beard out a lot of people think I have grayed early, only to find out Im close to 40. They usually ask me why won't I dye my gray. I love my gray why hide my journey, it spart of me and is a sign that I have made it a point in my life and I'm blessed to be here.  T

rust me there are many people who wish they could count the gray hairs of the ones they love that have left us too soon.

Monday, May 23, 2016
By Chad M Campbell
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i recall the day I got the news, so like Daniel, my wife wasn't sure how I would handle a third child, so she delivered the news with caution. I took it as well as one could take it, I was shocked to say the least, but at ease. I figured this time around maybe we will get a girl and it would mark the end of being fruitful. 

So as the months went by, i was preparing in my mind for a little Ms. Campbell. No my wife would argue I was just saying that so I wouldn't be disappointed but honestly I was really wanting a girl. So the big day came where we headed to the doctor to get the ultrasound. As soon as he pulled up the image, I saw it and for the First time out of three tries, I recognized it was a boy. I was shocked, I just knew I was having a girl, but it was cool boy was just fine. 

Fast forward to May 02, It was Friday I was at work about to head to break, my wife calls and says her co-worker is driving her to the hospital she is having sever pains. Now being through this tow times before I was thinking we still have another week and you just went to the doctor and he said the baby is not close to being had. Nonetheless I head to hospital and we sit there for about 4 hours to be told he is not ready so you can go to the house. Thank God we had a Nurse who went with her gut, she ran one more test before we left to see why the baby was stressing and sure enough the fluid had drained from the placenta and he was struggling. 

Now the next move was one that caused me to alarm. The doctor came in and said and I quote "we have to take the baby". Thats all I heard. I'm thinking in mu head my son was just fine now you have to take him like I'm thinking he is about to die. The Dr. saw the puzzled look and clarified himself. he meant they had to do an emergency c-section. They rushed my wife down to surgery and by the time I got prepped he was out. Amazing the only one to come by c-section. He was fine after all that, short stay in the hospital and he was released. 

The months after he continued to amaze, he started crawling at five months and then walking at 9 months, the first out of all my boys. He was the only to drink whole milk the whole time and the first to stay at mamma  Linda's house his first year before daycare. Yes he was my last boy but we have experienced a lot of firsts during these two years. 

And there are many more to come!

Sunday, April 10, 2016
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When I was younger I use to get my haircut at Tony's barbershop. If you from the Northside of Huntsville you probably laughing, because he was considered the worst barber in town. The many horror stories I heard  growing up and the many jokes. I never got joked pesonally, I guess because he did a decent job on my head, but I heard the tales of how he would butcher a client's head during a game. To me going to the barbershop was a adventure and at Tony's there was no telling what you were going come across. I can still smell the cherry tobacco he use to smoke in his pipe. Waiting to be cut next I either read the "latest" (it was more like 8 months old but new to me) Sports Illustrated or the Childrens Illustrated  bible, while listening to my dad and the older guys talk about the lastest current events. The setting in his shop was like something from the late 60's or 70's there was a shoe shine station that I never saw in use it was mostly used for storage, as you walke in there were  Old leather chairs  were lined up against the wall facing two barber chairs even though there was never another barber in the shop, just Tony.

There are three moments I recall while going to Tony's, the first was during the summer i oftern didnt get my haircut, there was no need since it was the middle of summer and I wasnt in school, but apparently my mom was tired of looking and my head and dropped me off while she went to the nearby Winn-Dixe. So I walk in and got in the chair cause it was like right after lunch during the work week so it was dead, and as soon as I sit the chair this older mentally challenged guy comes storming in. Tony knew him so he spoke to the guy, and then asked him if wanted to cut my hair. Now at this point I was like ten, in my mind I couldnt cry, but the horror of getting a cut by a random mentally challenged dude was not the businees, so the tears started to rev up and I was about to hollar as Tony motioning like he was handing the guy the clippers.  He jerked it away at the last second and the guy got mad and stormed out.  I couldn't tell if Tony was laughing at me or laughing at the way the guy stormed out. I was no good after that.

The second memory is the time he had me play some numbers for him, now I know you thinking Alabama never had the lotto, well we do and we dont. Back then and I can say this and it aint snitching because they were busted, there was a clothing shop located rignt next door. As I waited for a hair cut (while my mom was shopping again) he handed a small piece of paper with some numbers on it and some money and told me to run next door and hand it to the lady at the store. Now if you know me my stubborness make me  hard of hearing, so when I ran next door and handed over the numbers, I didn't know if I handed it to the right person or not.  But when he asked if handed "them" the numbers and I shook my head yes and that was it. I doubt he hit that week. But it was pretty amazing to me now that as kid he had me running numbers. I didn't know any better cause I didn't know what numbers was and better yet I didn't know it was illegal. I dont think he hit that week because he never asked me to do it again. He probably was shocked when asked and realized his numbers were never played.

The last story I have was probably one of the last times I got my haircut by Tony. My dropped me off at Boys Scout at the First Baptist which was right across the street from his shop, and told me after scout meeting go get my haircut.  I gave her every excuse in the book of to why i couldn't do that, reason being every guy in my troop was jokesters and I could not give them any ammo to go at me, which would of been the case if they caught walking over to Tony's. That was the longest scout meeting ever as I was thinking of how the heck was i was going to get out of this haircut. Then it hit me, I just wont go! I can take my mom being mad me more than I could take a barrage of jokes. So when my mom finally showed up she was hot and ended up driving me to the shop, right across the street. This was one of the last times I got my haircut there as my parents became aware of the Tony horror stories and me my dad found another barber. 

The last time I saw Tony was when I was working at local grocery store I was working at and the hurt in his eyes as he saw me with a freshely ut Caesar haircut but another barber. He stopped me and asked me what happened, I had to think of a quick white lie, I told him me and my Dad hair fell out and we had to start going somewhere else. Yea I dont think he belived it but thats all I can think of. I was shocked when I found out recently Tony passed away. I have to say his bad haircuts were motivation for me to learn how to cut hair, and I too have given many of bad haircuts, but I have gotten more better. Hopefully he leaves a chair open for me in heaven when we meet again. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016
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I was sitting at home a couple of Fridays ago, when I got a message from my boy Jaysin. He sent a song we recorded a couple of years ago.  I had not heard that song in a long while. I know what you thinking I use to rap? I tried and even though this version my not prove it I can spit a little bit. That was deferred for other things though. It was fun while it lasted, the many nights me and guys use to hang in my little studio aka "DA Guts". I lot has changed since we recorded. But enough of that, he was explaining to me how the song has really hit him as he was going through so much the last couple of months. I was thinking to myself so have I as he was venting but I understood sometimes you just have to get away to refocus. Life can through many curves but with faith you can make it through. Sometimes you just have to find place to run to let you mind run free. 
