WEEK 13 - Gray Hairs
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Monday, May 23, 2016
By Chad M Campbell
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Thank God for another year! Just to think I started this photography biz a year ago at a wedding, working for my friend Chief. I celebrated my birthday doing something I love, with people I love, witnessing the biggest act of love. It was perfect even though I was way out my league it fine. 

It seems I was born with that luck. It seems like every year around the May 22 something great happens to me, rather it be a job change, graduation (I graduated high school on my bday), school getting out; something big all ways happens. 

This year being the exception, outside of the surprise birthday gathering my wife through, it was pretty calm, but it was great.

Why? Not because I got a great gift or anything of that nature, but I have life. A lot has change since last year a lot of people I knew around my age have gone home. I am just appreciative that I can spend it here another year. 

Its funny since I grew my beard out a lot of people think I have grayed early, only to find out Im close to 40. They usually ask me why won't I dye my gray. I love my gray why hide my journey, it spart of me and is a sign that I have made it a point in my life and I'm blessed to be here.  T

rust me there are many people who wish they could count the gray hairs of the ones they love that have left us too soon.

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